Monday, January 10, 2011

Links to Cardiac Musings

I am woefully behind on blogging lately, but I have an excuse: I am preparing for an art show in February in honor of heart month.

But in the meantime, and between now and a longer blog, I wanted to share a couple of links. The first is an article written by a Go Red sister, Gail Mates. Once you get to the link, which is a PDF, jump to page 27 and you'll find Gail--radiant, beautiful, and wonderful enough to share her story!

Next is a link to a recent piece I had the honor of working with local writer, Kim Green on. She interviewed me about my heart and ended up allowing me to share her writing space. All I can say is: GENEROUS!

Big hugs on this snowy day to all the incredible and strong women I am lucky enough to know!